Voted Best Life Coach in 2023

Voted Best Life Coach in 2023 ✦

 Jungian Life Coaching

Are you ready to overcome the fears that have held you back, so that you can finally live in clarity and courage? Are you ready to create your best life possible

I might assume that you don’t even fully see what is lacking in your life… 

…are you ready to experience your fullest potential?

I might assume that you may use the excuse, “I’m too busy to focus on myself.” … 

…are you ready to stop avoiding your feelings, so that you can move into a greater awareness of your worth?

I might assume that there’s a voice inside that shuts you down or tells you that “you’re not good enough?”

…are you ready to quiet the self-sabotage and self-doubt so that you can feel free and at ease?

“Andrea is insightful, easy to connect with and professional. Whenever I am looking for clarity, she facilitates the process so that I come away feeling empowered and with a fresh point of view. Her energy, enthusiasm and zest for life is evident in her work as she truly loves helping women transform their lives. Her talents are many and she has so much wisdom to share with the world. Highly recommend!”

— Natalie Winkler

Jungian Certified Life Coach Eugene Oregon

The foundation of my life coaching model stems from the concepts of Jungian Psychology. In that, we do our work together through the lens of Eastern Spirituality to help reattune to one’s most divine truth, while gaining a greater understanding of how we show up in the world based off our upbringing (conditioning). This is often practiced through a non-dual approach of guided meditation, embodiment, dream interpretation, and establishing a stronger relationship with the shadow (or the part of one’s self that has been pushed away or repressed).  

✦ Honor your life experiences, both celebratory and traumatic

✦ Gain clarity about what you want and the challenges getting in your way

✦ Remember who you truly are before the world told you who to be

✦ Learn how to make decisions from choice, rather than conditioning

✦ Dedicate yourself to a fulfilled and meaningful life

✦ Overcome fears and limiting belief patterns

✦ Gain a greater spiritual connection


6 Months

Prepare for a major expansion and transformation with this six-month journey; It is a magical mystery tour that could truly transform your life. With the support of your coach, you will seek opportunities for abundance, you will understand how to better move beyond your fears, you will remember what’s already within you, you will cultivate the ability to authentically step into your power, and you will befriend your true self. 

✦ Biweekly in person, zoom, or phone sessions 

✦ 12 coaching sessions total (45 minutes each) to gain the tools for connecting with your own inner guidance with more ease. 

✦ Biweekly email or text updates, so that we can stay connected even when we’re not meeting face-to-face

✦ Suggestions for things you can take action on at home to integrate the work and see results immediately.  

✦ Guided Visualizations, Goal Setting & Desire Mapping, Exploration of Persona & Shadow, and Dream Interpretation to embody a greater awareness of your own Divine Nature. (to remind you that everything you need is already within you).  

✦ Special VIP bonus of your choice because YOU DESERVE IT, for all your hard work. 

✦ Special discounts for future endeavors together. 


3 Months

This three-month journey will awaken your inner knowing and give you a greater understanding of your heart’s truest desires and your soul’s highest vision. You will be motivated and supported while you discover unknown parts of yourself and while you defeat doubts and fears in turning your unique passions into action. 

✦ Biweekly in person, zoom, or phone sessions 

✦ 6 coaching sessions total (45 minutes each) to gain the tools for connecting with your own inner guidance with more ease. 

✦ Biweekly email or text updates, so that we can stay connected even when we’re not meeting face-to-face

✦ Suggestions for things you can take action on at home to integrate the work and see results immediately.  

✦ Guided Visualizations, Goal Setting & Desire Mapping, Exploration of Persona & Shadow, and Dream Interpretation to embody a greater awareness of your own Divine Nature. (to remind you that everything you need is already within you).  


6 Weeks

This six-week journey will inspire you. You will begin recognizing the self-limiting stories and patterns that withhold you from living in your highest potential. You will learn how to be a witness of emotions versus letting them hold power over you. Thich Nhat Hahn says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” This six-week journey could be the first step into your transformation.

✦ Biweekly in person, zoom, or phone sessions 

✦ 3 coaching sessions total (45 minutes each) to gain the tools for connecting with your own inner guidance with more ease. 

✦ Biweekly email or text updates, so that we can stay connected even when we’re not meeting face-to-face

✦ Suggestions for things you can take action on at home to integrate the work and see results immediately.  

✦ Guided Visualizations, Goal Setting & Desire Mapping, Exploration of Persona & Shadow, and Dream Interpretation to embody a greater awareness of your own Divine Nature. (to remind you that everything you need is already within you).  

Body, Mind & Bliss

In-Person Only

This in-person half day retreat is created for the ultimate guide in your physical and spiritual wellbeing. Break free from the blocks (body, mind, and spirit) for a fully rejuvenating experience of self-care. 

✦ 2-hour bodywork blend of Massage Therapy and Reiki

✦ 45-minute Jungian Life Coaching Session

✦ Infrared Sauna to journal, meditate, contemplate, and integrate the session

✦ Tea, water, light snack, and/or organic juices provided. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Coaching is a collaborative relationship between coach and client, where the coach teaches you how to “turn up the volume” on your own intuition, gain a greater understanding of the “roadblocks” that are keeping you stuck, and bring you in alignment with your truest nature.

    This interactive experience includes:

    ⌱ Intentional questioning from your coach to help you reflect on your unconscious barriers.

    ⌱ Supportive listening as you discover your own answers within.

    ⌱ At home exercises to keep you on track.

    ⌱ Shadow work so that you can reveal all the hidden parts of yourself.

    ⌱ Call and response guided visualizations for you witness the emotions you are experiencing and transcend them into something more productive.

    ⌱ Dream Interpretations to gain more insight on the messages coming in from your psyche.

    Life coaching is a way for you to CHOOSE exactly who you are and how you want to show up in the world, so that you can live in alignment with your deepest desires.

  • I will create a customizable payment plan that fits your financial needs!

    Investing in yourself is going to far outweigh the cost of the program… and let me tell you….YOU ARE SO WORTH IT!

    Here are a few questions that you could ask yourself when deciding to invest in yourself:

    “How much is happiness, clarity, and freedom worth to me?”

    “If money were not an issue, would I want to do this program?”

    ~If the answer is “YES”, then ask yourself “What are the next steps I need to take in order to make this a possibility?”

    “What is holding me back from investing in myself?”

  • What a lovely concept we could work on together!

    I used to feel that way too… that family, career, home, and literally everything else were more important than the time I deserved for bettering myself.

    Let me tell you from experience… in creating the time for yourself…everyone and everything around you will benefit!


    We can schedule our face-to-face sessions (zoom or in-person) in a time that works for you.

    All zoom sessions have the option to be recorded, so that you can access them many years down the road for a refresher.

    Notes from sessions are sent via email in order for you to remember everything you discovered in our time together.

    All meditations can be downloaded for you to keep forever.

    Our email dialogue can be saved and kept in a folder so all notes and suggestions for things you can take action on will also be beneficial for you in the future

    You will feel less overwhelmed once you start working with me.

    I can give you time back in your day once you start feeling more aligned.

  • Remote:

    I work with people all over the world with virtual options! We will connect via Zoom in the comfort of your own home or office. I recommend creating a small altar for your computer space. This could include a candle, a crystal, an image that inspires you, or there are many other options


    I have a lovely office on the edge of downtown Eugene, Oregon (15th & Lincoln St). It’s a historical home that was built in 1910 and I share this space with 2 Craniosacral Therapists and a Nutritionist. We have put a lot of love and intention into this space since it was purchased in 2013.

A Letter from Andrea

Hey love,

 I know it’s a huge step to put yourself first…maybe for the first time ever! The investment in time or money may feel a little scary and you may even feel a strong resistance towards change. I have felt all those things too… But, after many years of allowing that fear and resistance to get in my way I finally allowed myself to honor the birthright that each and every one of us has to live life in an authentically beautiful way. This does not mean that my life is “sunshine and rainbows” all the time. It means that life is emotionally rich…textured with different fabrics of experience…and I now have the tools to navigate the ones that feel a bit…heavy. One of the biggest lessons I have learned in this process is that by doing the inner work…everything externally seems to fall into place (jobs, relationships, goals). It’s so easy to lean on the idea that if we fix or change everything around us, we can find true happiness within…but the truth of the matter is quite opposite –> when you’re in alignment within, everything externally seems to sort itself out.

My purpose in life is to help you be bold and courageous, while also being gentle, nurtured, and clear.

Journey in grace and gratitude,


“I have been working with Andrea for over 10 years now. She is always the first one I reach out to! She has extensive training, and is very grounding. Her learned skills, matched with her intuitive and energetic abilities take her to the top of the game. Would 100% recommend!”

— Z.S.

My Guarantee

Because I feel so strongly about this program, if you show up to the calls, take action with the homework prompts, and reach out when you need support, I can guarantee that you will see results.

I understand that sometimes “life happens.” If there is a point while you are in the program where sessions need to be postponed, we will collaborate on a plan that works for us.

Set Your Soul Free

Life Coaching is an investment in yourself that you will benefit from for the rest of your life. It’s different than therapy in that it deals primarily with the person’s present situation and teaches them how to move into a more empowered, free, and desirable future. Start your journey today!

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