Voted Best Bodyworker in Eugene in 2019, 2020 & 2021

Voted Best Bodyworker in Eugene in 2019, 2020 & 2021 ✦


I offer an intuitive and integrative approach to bodywork using a blend of both Massage Therapy and Reiki to balance mind, body, and spirit. This approach is intended to leave you feeling relaxed, supported, without tension, and with expanded consciousness.

To book your bodywork session, please email, call or text.

Massage Therapists in Eugene, OR

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is one of the oldest healing modalities in the world that uses designed strokes to manipulate the soft tissues of the body. I use slow and fluid movements that are both relaxing and therapeutic, and assists your body, mind and soul.

Alleviate chronic pain, release emotional tension, release tightness in the muscle belly, increase circulation and joint mobility, reduce stress and anxiety, and prevent and/or relieve injust pain, illness, etc.

60 Minutes - $100

75 Minutes - $120

90 Minutes - $135

120 Minutes - $165

Body, Mind, Bliss* - $280

*A half day retreat of Massage, Reiki, Jungian Coaching, & Sauna


Reiki healers in Eugene, OR


Reiki is an ancient and holistic form of healing that harmonizes collective energy with individual energy. It activates loving and healing frequencies into the chakras (i.e. energy centers in our bodies), preventing ailments on all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. 

The Chakras: Every chakra is connected to different emotions, as well as different organs and locations in the body. Through life-occurrences (i.e. stress, anxiety, sadness, etc.) the chakra’s flow can become blocked or altered, leading to illness and disease.

The Treatment: It’s best not to have any expectations during your initial treatments due to its gentle nature. Some will experience a change in their rate of breathing, some can be flooded with images or memories, while others may feel heat coming from my hands, or may feel complete relaxation throughout the body. As the practitioner, I am simply a conduit for this energy and together we relax and allow the Reiki to flow. 

Reiki Session - $80

“Andrea has a unique, wonderful, and holistic approach to healing. As a bodyworker myself, I understand the importance of self care and maintaining my own health. I always walk away from our sessions feeling rejuvenated and inspired. Her style is gentle, yet deep, comfortable yet very beneficial. She has helped alleviate some chronic pain I have had in my shoulder and neck for many years, and I would highly recommend her valuable services to anyone who wants to feel more comfortable in their bodies.”

— Ema Koziatek

Learn Reiki

Interested in learning how to heal with Reiki?

There are three levels to learning Reiki that must be completed in sequence to enhance the energy in your body. 

The First Level of Reiki introduces the student to the history of Reiki, what Reiki is, chakras, basic anatomy and chakra locations, self-healing meditations and how to heal others, as well as a sacred attunement and a certification ceremony.

The Second Level of Reiki teaches the student how to enhance the flow of Reiki by incorporating the use of ancient symbols. The student will get a more in-depth understanding of how to use Reiki and will also receive a sacred attunement and certification. 

The Third Level, or Master Level, can be decided upon between both the student and the teacher. The Master Level provides the student with one more symbol to use in their healing practice. This level should not be done until the student has complete knowledge, understanding, and experience with the first two levels. 

Please inquire with me directly if you are interested in learning this healing modality.

Sliding Scale of $250-$300

To book your bodywork session or Reiki Training, please email, call or text,