Our Departure…

When we booked our flights to Southeast Asia over a beer at Oakshire, 11/08/22 at 4pm seemed arbitrary… a cheap flight that couldn’t be passed up, but in fact, it was an alignment in the stars. November 8th fell on a lunar full moon eclipse in Taurus (my sun sign) and according to Andrea Dupius, with Rising Woman, “eclipse season is the most spiritual time of the year with the most opportunity for transformation. Eclipses are destiny points that bring huge change – endings, beginnings, and world events. When they occur, we come face to face with who we are meant to be and let go deeper of who we’ve been.”  Now to have left on November 8th feels less arbitrary and more sacred - a safe place to shed any old identities and to go full throttle into the unknown.

The time that led up to our departure felt potent. There was a gentleness and a sweetness to it and, in a lot of ways, it served as a reminder that I don’t need to have so much control over everything in my life. I trust that if I were to loosen my grip just slightly, infinite potential is the reward. As I attempt to let go of the patterns that haven’t served me well, my intention is to move into a place of more spontaneity. A place that is heart-led and not led by force, ego, or the perceptions of my mind. 

In my perspective, travel helps me realign with that deepest part of myself. It helps me see what’s truly important, not only in my own life but in the world around me. It serves as a connectedness between myself and all living creatures on this planet. It's inspirational, it’s creative, it’s pure joy, and somehow travel has always offered a sensation of home…even in the furthest of lands. 

This feeling of travel percolated for months, and I felt a piece of myself that I didn’t even recognize was missing until it came back. Like a long lost friend…a feeling within myself that hasn’t been felt in far too long. There’s a piece of my true Self coming to surface, a rememberance.

This realization has me contemplating how I can bring this type of joy into my EVERY day, and not just the days when travel is on the horizon. What is it about travel that sets my soul free? How can I incorporate this essence, here, now, always? To live a life of freedom and not to grasp? As we travel through Southeast Asia, I trust that there will be great opportunities to do this deep, soul work. I trust that the energy of those people, those places, those experiences will forever change us. 

The adventure and exploration begins!


The Initiation


Travel Blogs Coming Soon…